Research Outline

Chronic Illnesses - Demographics


To understand the potential market of a new brand by identifying the demographic characteristics of patients with chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, arthritis, and obesity.

Early Findings

Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)

  • According to a 2020 report published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), by 2018 34.2 million people in the United States had T2DMs. Of these, 34.1 million were adults over the age of 18.


  • According to the same national report, 17.9 million men have T2DM.
  • Meanwhile, 16.2 million women suffer this disease, whether they have been diagnosed or not.

Age Brackets

  • Of the aforementioned 34.1 million, 4.9 million are between 18 and 44 years old.
  • The second group, between 45 and 64 years old, comprises 14.8 million people.
  • Lastly, 14.3 million people with diabetes in the United States are 65 years of age or older.


  • Of the same total of people in the United States with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 19.5 million are non-Hispanic White.
  • Meanwhile, 6.4 million are Hispanic, 5.2 million are Black, and 2.3 million are Asian.


  • Education levels were evaluated by prevalence, reporting that 13.3% of adults without a high school degree had T2DM.
  • Meanwhile, 9.7% of those with a high school diploma suffered this disease. Lastly, only 7.5% of adults with education higher than high school had diabetes.


  • Approximately 54 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with arthritis according to the CDC. However, according to the Arthritis Foundation, this number could be as high as 94 million considering undiagnosed patients.


  • The age of people with arthritis across different age brackets has been reported by the CDC with the latest data ranging from 2013 to 2017.
  • Of the 54 million people with arthritis, the largest group is among those between 45 and 64 years of age.
  • This group was closely followed by the group 65 years or older with 22.2 million people.
  • Lastly, 8 million people diagnosed with arthritis in the United States were 18-44 years old.


  • According to the CDC, 22 million men have been diagnosed with arthritis in the United States.
  • This is slightly surpassed by women, with 32.3 million of them having been diagnosed with this disease.
  • Meanwhile, 19.1% of men reported the same diagnoses during this period.


  • Of the estimated 54 million people with arthritis, 41.3 million were non-Hispanic Whites.
  • Meanwhile, 6.1 million people were Black non-Hispanic, 4.4 million people with arthritis were Hispanic, and 1.5 million people were Asian.

Education Level

  • According to the same report, 8.2 million people diagnosed with arthritis did not have a high school diploma.
  • Meanwhile, 15.4 million people with arthritis had graduated from high school, 16.8 million had at least some college, and 13.7 million people had completed college or had higher studies.

Employment Status

  • This report also provided employment information, finding that 22 million people with arthritis were employed by 2015.
  • Meanwhile, 8.6 million people with arthritis were unable to work, while 1.9 million were unemployed. Given the current crisis, these numbers are likely to be higher.
  • Lastly, 21.8 million people were students, retired, housemakers, or volunteers.

Summary of Findings

  • We used this initial hour of research to assess the availability of the information and provide demographic data regarding type 2 diabetic patients and patients with arthritis. We found considerable information provided by a reputable source, the CDC, which is the reference for national health statistics in the United States.
  • Also, we aimed to provide the most updated information. However, comprehensive demographic characteristics for arthritis have only been reported with data collected until 2015 according to our initial research. We could provide estimations and reported insights regarding how the disease has increased or is expected to increase with further research.
  • While we were able to assess the availability of the information in the case of obesity, we did not have time to provide this. Partially, this was because the information is provided as prevalence across the general information instead of the number of people suffering this disease. We could provide additional information with further hours of research, which would allow us to perform the necessary calculations.
  • We have chosen a United States focus, if a broader focus is desired, that is, North America or global, this will have to be communicated in the response.