Research Outline

Manager To VP- Best Practices


To identify psychographics of director level employees, including insights into their career ambitions, career pain points, and content consumption for purposes of developing a go-to-market strategy.

Early Findings

Continued research indicates that there is some data available on content consumption by directors, but it is industry-specific. In addition, while there is some information available on career pain points and ambitions for director-level employees, most of it is general in nature.


  • The 2018 Content Preferences Survey polled 168 B2B buying professionals, 26% of whom held the title of director and 29% of whom held the title of manager.
  • About 64% of the respondents said they "prefer podcasts at the top of the funnel, while 48% said webinars were valuable to them in the mid-stage of their buying journey."
  • Approximately 84% of respondents said they "either frequently or occasionally access business-related content on their smartphone."
  • Nearly three-quarters (74%) of the respondents stated that blogs are the most shared content among peers and colleagues. Case studies were the second-most shared content at 64%, followed by infographics at 62%, white papers at 61%, and webinars at 61%.
  • The 71% of respondents who said they read blog content was an increase over the 66% in 2017.
  • Blogs were tied with white papers as the most frequently read content.
  • When "tackling business challenges," 76% of respondents stated that infographics were helpful, followed by interactive content at 51%.
  • Email is the channel used most often to share content at 70%, followed by LinkedIn at 52%.
  • Nearly 80% of respondents stated they had consumed case studies within the last year.


  • Skill gaps are challenging for directors looking to become VPs. As BlueSteps states directors that want to move up in their industry must ask themselves, "What new projects in your current role can you take on to both gain new expertise and, in the process, demonstrate your learning?"
  • Three barriers to advancement from director level to VP include "lack of a strong professional network, mismatched experience and education, and poor personal presentation."