Research Outline

Market research for Online Education market in USA


Identify the market details of the online grade school (k-8) education market in the United States including the following: market size by the number of companies segmented by company size (i.e. total companies, number of small, medium, and large, and a definition of revenue for each segment); market size and key players of online education companies total; market size and key players for online afterschool classes only; market size and key players of online courses only; market size and key players of educational franchises only; and a competitive landscape of the key players for each segment including name, website, pricing model, performance (how do they track after the participation), student engagement metrics, staff effectiveness, list of LMS used, how they track online meeting data, and if they use ZOOM.

Early Findings

E-Learning Market Size

  • In our initial search, we found that there are no market reports that segment online learning down to k-8 as most companies that provide online learning include highschool in their curriculum. Due to this, research was expanded to include k-12 companies.
  • The overall United States education market was valued at $1.35 trillion in 2017 with a CAGR of 4.5% between 2018 and 2026.
  • In 2017, cloud-based learning accounted for 39.08% of the market with a CAGR of 5.7%. K-12 programs accounted for 54.23% of the market.
  • Using the above statistics we can calculate the market size of k-12 learning in the United States in value as $286.11 billion in 2017 (1.35 trillion*0.5423%=732.11 billion [k-12 market]; 732.11 billion*0.3908=286.11 billion).
  • Assuming a CAGR of 5.7%, we can calculate the current market as follows:
    • 2018: $302.42 billion
    • 2019: $319.66 billion
    • 2020: $337.88 billion