Research Outline

Healthcare Market Research Industry


To determine how much 3 large companies based on geographic reach are spending in their annual budgets for healthcare market research.

Early Findings

Data gathered in our research on how much these large companies spent last year included all research and development expenditures, and there was no information that was publicly available that was specific to only healthcare market research. However, our research did reveal insights that could provide a more precise estimate than earlier findings.

Large Companies that Pay for Healthcare Market Research

  • Bayer AG is a large global company that pays for healthcare market research. According to their 2019 annual report, they spent a total of $5,342,000 dollars on research and development in their annual budget last year.
  • Proctor & Gamble is another large global company that pays for healthcare market research. According to their 2019 annual report, they spent $1.9 billion dollars on research and development in their annual budget last year.
  • Pfizer is also another large global company that pays for healthcare market research. According to data from their 2019 annual report, they spent $8.65 billion dollars on research an development in their annual budget last year.