Research Outline

Market Size of the Live Stream Market and Segmentation


To find the market size of the live stream market, the breakdown of each segment inside the live streaming market, how fast the market is growing, how big and fast each segment is growing, and what content is streamed on each platform.

Early Findings

We were not provided a geographic focus for this project, so we assumed a broad approach and looked at the global market. If a narrower approach is desired, for example, a regional approach such as the United States, this would have to be clearly communicated to us in any reply.

Market Size of the Live Stream Industry

  • According to Digital TV Europe, the live streaming industry grew by 99% year-over-year in terms of hours watched, growing from 1.971 billion in April 2019 to 3.934 billion in April 2020.

CAGR of the Live Streaming Market

  • The global live streaming market is expected to reach USD 247,275 Million by 2027 at a CAGR of 28.1% during the forecast period.

Segments in the Live Streaming Market

  • According to Maximize Market Research and MarketWatch, the live streaming market can be segmented by application, such as the four platform types, namely, laptops & desktops, smartphones & tablets, smart TV, and gaming consoles. The industry can also be segmented by streamed content, such as music , stand-up comedy, game , daily life, and chat.

Summary Of Our Early Findings Relevant To The Goals

  • Our initial hour of research focused on ensuring that the questions could be answered using publicly available sources and then providing the CAGR of the live streaming market and how the live streaming market is segmented. It is of note that we did not find the market size for 2020 or 2019 and shares for each segment as they were behind paywalls.
  • As discussed at the top of this document, we were not provided a geographic focus for this project, so we assumed a broader approach and looked at the global market. If a narrower approach is desired, for example, the United States, this would have to be clearly communicated to us in any reply.
  • Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.