Research Outline

Sippy Cup Market: North America & Europe


Provide information surrounding the sippy cup market. Specifically, include:
  • The size of the North American sippy cup market, as well as a breakdown by countries.
  • The size of the European sippy cup market, as well as a breakdown by countries.
  • Determine the top players, based on revenue, in the European and North American sippy cup markets.

Early Findings

Data Availability

A preliminary search found that data availability is limited for the North American and European sippy cup markets.

Sippy Cup Market

  • In 2019, the global toddler sippy cups market was valued at $1,230 million.
  • The market was projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2019 to hit $1,650 million by 2024.
  • Geographically, the market is segmented into U.S., Mexico, and Canada for North America; and Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Spain, and Russia for Europe.
  • According to multiple reports, North America enjoys a 19.80% share of the global market. This implies that the size of the North American market was valued at $245.5 million in 2019 (i.e $1,230 million*19.80%).


  • During the initial hour of research, we were able to triangulate the size of the North American market for sippy cups with available market share data. However, a breakdown by countries in the North American market was not found.
  • We tried a similar approach of determining the size of the European market by market share but were not successful. A breakdown by countries in Europe was also not found during preliminary research.
  • Although data availability is limited on the geographical segmentation of this market, we propose further hours of research to find relevant data points for the European market with the following next steps provided below.