Research Outline

Ecommerce Site Search Software: Market Size, Growth, Top Trends, Top Players and Important News Globally.


To provide information on the e-commerce site search software industry. The specific objectives are:
  • Determine the market size for the e-commerce site search software industry in the US and globally.
  • Determine the growth CAGR for the e-commerce site search software market globally.
  • Provide information on the top trends in the e-commerce site search software industry globally.
  • Provide information on the top players in the e-commerce site search software industry globally.
  • Provide information on some important news in the e-commerce site search software industry globally.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that there is a wealth of information available on this topic.

Top Players

  • G2 provided a list of some top players in the e-commerce site search software industry globally, including Algolia, Searchspring, and Swifttype.
  • Algolia offers software that enables consumers to find and discover what they want across the web, mobile, and voice with ease. The software enables users to build and optimize exciting search & discovery experiences that increase online engagement, conversion rates, and revenue. A link to Algolia's website can be found here.

Top Trends

  • Big Commerce provided a list of some top trends in the e-commerce industry and the list included some top trends in the e-commerce site search software.
  • Big Commerce, for example, indicated that augmented reality (AR) had disrupted the e-commerce industry by enabling shoppers to make good purchase decisions by viewing the items they are shopping for.


  • Within the first hour, we have been able to provide information on some top players and some top trends in the e-commerce site search software industry.
  • We gave this study a global focus except for the information on market size where we focussed on the US and globally. If a different geographical range is preferred, kindly inform us in any reply.
  • Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below. Please select one or more proposals from those provided.