Research Outline

Teacher Professional Development Market


To find the US market size for teacher professional development and to obtain an understanding of the trends in the professional development market.

Early Findings

Market Size

  • According to Statista, the market size for the K-12 professional development in the US was estimated to be $3.4 billion in 2016. The projected market size in 2020 is $4.1 billion.
  • According to PRNewswire, the PreK-12 professional development market in the United States was estimated to be $5.3 billion in 2017. The market is estimated to be $5.71 billion in 2020.
  • According to the TNTP, Mirage Report, 2015, " the largest 50 school districts in the U.S. devote at least $8 billion to teacher development annually."



  • According to various reports such as Simba Information, personalization is one of the top trends in the professional development market.
  • Personalized learning is a top trend because "universal online training courses do not cater to the varied audiences that they are designed to serve."

Online learning

  • Online learning is also one of the top trends because learners are "able to work at their own pace and focus on individual areas for improvement."


  • During our preliminary research, we found that information on the differences between large urban districts vs. small rural districts may not be publicly available. We, therefore, focused on general trends in the professional development market.