Research Outline

TAVI/TAVR - Global Market


To understand the transcatheter aortic valve implantation/replacement market by identifying the number of procedures and market size (calculated according to the sales of medical devices) in countries such as China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, and Africa during at least 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 to inform a market assessment.

Early Findings

General Considerations

We were unable to find uniform measurements of cases for most countries included in the spreadsheet. In some cases, we were able to find the number of cases performed during a certain period, while in others, we were able to identify the cases performed in the specific year required.

Number of Procedures

  • By 2017, 10,000 TAVI/TAVR procedures had been performed in Asia according to a scientific paper. Further information can be found in the attached spreadsheet.
  • At a more local level, by 2018 it had been reported that 1,752 TAVR/TAVI procedures had been performed in Japan. A second registry places this number at 8,000. However, it is unknown if these cases overlap.
  • The annual number of TAVR/TAVI procedures performed in Singapore is estimated at 100 per year.
  • By 2018, 500,000 TAVR/TAVI procedures had been performed in Europe since the first procedure took place in 2002.
  • In 2019, Germany reported 16,460 TAVR/TAVI procedures, an increase from the prior year in which 13,279 procedures took place.

Market Size

  • According to a market report, the Middle East and Africa TAVR market was valued at $0.27 billion in 2019.
  • Similarly, the European market size for TAVR was estimated at $0.66 billion in 2019.
  • In North America, the market size for TAVR in 2019 was estimated at $0.62 billion, with the United States holding the largest share and Canada being the fastest-growing market.
  • According to a 2020 report, Japan holds the largest market share after Europe and the United States. Overall, the market size for the Asia-Pacific region was $0.41 billion in 2019.

Summary of Findings

  • We used this initial hour of research to assess the availability of the information and provide initial findings regarding the number of procedures performed in the requested countries and regions. However, a great part of the information was not available.
  • Information for the number of procedures performed in 2020 is largely non-available due to it being the present year. Even countries like Germany, where a report is provided every year, has not released the requested information. We did find estimates regarding the expected number of annual candidates for a TAVI procedure after 2018 for both Europe and the United States.
  • Country-specific information regarding the number of procedures performed in 2019 and 2020 is largely unavailable. As it has been shown in the initial findings, the type of registers kept widely vary between countries and between continents.
  • For Dubai and Abu Dhabi, we were only able to find articles about specific procedures performed or scientific case reports, which seems to point out to the rareness of the procedure being performed here. In 2020, articles presented it as a novel procedure, suggesting the adoption of it is very new.
  • Information regarding the TAVR/TAVI market size in 2020 was not available. This information could be calculated for certain markets (globally or by continent) using the CAGR that has been provided in market reports. However, considering the COVID-19 pandemic, this market size estimation could be outdated. We could provide additional information with further hours of research.
  • Furthermore, information about market sizes for prior years (2018 and before), while available is inconsistent. Some reports provide global information, while others do specify the market share for a specific region but only for one year.
  • Initial findings point out that Europe and the United States have and will continue to have the largest share of the market. That said, Asia could show considerable growth in the upcoming years. However, country-specific information was mainly available through paywalls. In addition, most reports do not specify if their assessment of market size is only limited to sales of medical devices or if it includes other sources of revenue related to the performance of this procedure.