Research Outline



To understand the marketing strategy of hotels for staycations by looking at examples of marketing campaigns and advertising tourism case studies that promote staycations.

Early Findings

Millennium Hotels and Resorts Singapore

  • Millennium Hotels offered staycation promotions in order to increase the number of their hotel guests as people have been avoiding overseas vacations due to the global pandemic.
  • The hotel's chief operating officer, Kieran Twomey, said that "other than staycation promotions, the brand’s hotels also have alfresco dining offers and additional loyalty perks like upgrades and complimentary parking."

Far East Hospitality

  • Each of its hotel brand "targets a different segment of staycationers and has their respective staycation packages."
  • According to the CEO of Far East Hospitality, "when rolling out staycation promotions, it is important for us to provide value-add instead of going into price-war. This is because lowering prices can affect the positioning of the brands."

YOTEL Singapore

  • YOTEL has recently launched "a new two-night staycation package tailored for families."
  • This resulted in an increase in hotel guests.

Hilton Singapore

  • According to Hilton hotel's spokesperson, "Hilton Singapore has introduced a staycation package targeted at local foodies, which will include a steak dinner experience."

Keep Guests Entertained and Occupied

  • According to Michael Chiam, Ngee Ann Polytechnic senior lecturer in tourism, hotels will have to keep guests entertained and occupied in order to attract more guests to avail of staycations and even stay for more days.
  • Chiam also said that "hotels could organize interesting workshops within their properties, and include spa treatments and deals in the packages."
  • He added that hotels "could also collaborate with other interesting businesses around the hotel to offer guests special deals like discounted admission tickets to theme parks or concerts."