Research Outline

Medical Podcast Trends


To provide advice to New York City-based cosmetic surgeons regarding launching a podcast by researching 2-3 emerging trends in medical podcasts that will affect the space in the next 3-5 years.

Early Findings

Use in Medical Education

  • Podcasts are a more cost-effective, efficient, and engaging way to learn, especially for those in the medical industry to continue education.
  • You don't have to go to a library or cafe to study or sign-up for a journal.
  • Medical podcasts have been shown to boost educational performance as well.
  • Fullscript noted another study that showed when medical schools implement podcasts into their curriculum, instead of live lectures and textbooks, academic performance rose.
  • Interviewed med students said medical podcasts allow them to learn about different ways to "dissect each topic" and "engage with content in a less formal way."
  • A. national research survey found that medical students spend the same amount of time listening to podcasts as they do to reading textbooks.

Targeting Millennials

  • Millennials drove a 60% increase in the number of people listening to podcasts in 2019 compared to 2018.
  • Millennials are becoming the largest age demographic in the U.S., are a "critical audience" for the healthcare industry, and are an increasing proportion of professionals in the healthcare industry.
  • Podcasts have become one of the main mediums for Millennials for news, entertainment, and education. Half of Millennials listen to educational podcasts and Millennials and GenZers are 5% more likely to listen to podcasts for professional reasons.
  • Millennials are a growing patient population for the healthcare industry and are a major marketing opportunity.
  • A few ways a podcast targeted to Millennials would thrive include: Millennials avoid preventive care to save money preferring to listen or do their own research, prefer to see doctors virtually, and self-diagnose (using podcasts and online research to determine when to visit a doctor).