Research Outline

Phone Case Printable Plastic


To understand the materials used in making printable plastic mobile phone covers. The ideal material should be able to withstand 180°C for 80 seconds. For each material identified, details required include:
  • Material Name
  • Overview of the material
  • Common uses of the material
  • The advantages and disadvantages for injection moulding the material.

Early Findings

Our initial research suggests that there are at least two suitable materials for making printable plastic mobile phone covers.

Plastic Materials

  • Printable plastic mobile phone covers are made out of polycarbonate or polypropylene materials.
  • Polycarbonate and polypropylene are considered hard plastic, and they can be injection molded. Phone cases made of polycarbonate and polypropylene material are made using injection molding process.
  • Polycarbonate is the most popular plastic used in making phone cases. It is a very hard plastic that is even used in making bullet-proof windows.
  • Polycarbonate melts at 265°C degrees and can withstand "sudden bursts of heat up to 1166 degrees without distortion, breakage, or absorption of heat."
  • The glass transition temperature of polycarbonate is nearly 150°C.
  • We were unable to determine if polycarbonate and polypropylene can withstand 180°C for 80 seconds during our initial research, but we found that both plastics can be heat printed on.


  • We were able to find two printable plastic materials from which mobile phone covers are made during our initial hour of research. We were also able to find some of the properties of one of the plastic materials.
  • We couldn't determine if there is any other material that has the desired properties for making phone cases as specified during the initial hour of research.
  • To uncover more insights, additional research is required. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below. Please select one or more proposals from those provided.