Research Outline

Median Power Outage Duration in the US


To find information on the median power outage duration in the United States excluding major natural events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes.

Early Findings

Median Power Outage

  • The U.S. Energy Information Administration has data that contains the major disturbances and unusual occurrences that led to power outages in 2020 and 2019.
  • The data for 2020 is for the months of January to June and the median for the available data will be determined using the data shown below:


  • The major disturbances and unusual occurrences table for 2020 contains a column for the month of occurrence and duration of the outage. This data in this table for various months was summed up to determine the total duration of outage for each month so as to find the median power outage duration as shown below:
  • January - 11 mins + 12 mins + 5hrs 31 mins + 14 hrs + 24 hrs 43 mins + 2 hrs 59 mins + 4 hrs 45 mins + 1 hr 35 mins
  • February - 30 hrs 38 mins + 22 hrs 15 mins + 66 hrs 43 mins +19 hrs 35 mins + 12 hr 10 mins + 8 hrs 47 mins
  • March - 10 hrs 20 mins + 1 hr 57 mins + 1 hr 9 mins + 3 hrs 55 mins + 18 mins + 2 hrs 37 mins + 8 hrs 15 mins
  • April - 1 hr 6 mins + 1 hr 49 mins + 7 mins + 2 hrs 35 mins + 11 hrs 2 mins + 9 hrs 33 mins + 8 hrs 5 mins + 50 hrs 20 mins + 18 mins + 32 hrs 25 mins + 21 hrs 10 mins + 36 hrs 30 minutes + 62 hrs 32 mins + 2 hrs 15 mins + 38 hrs 48 mins + 6 hrs 29 mins + 8 hrs 30 mins + 26 hrs 55 mins + 7 hrs 41 mins + 2 hrs 30 mins + 15hrs 40 mins + 33 mins + 3 hrs 20 mins + 13 hrs 5 minutes + 6 hrs 31 mins
  • May - 80 hrs 1 min + 8 hrs 55 minutes +48 hrs 5 mins + 22 hrs 54 mins + 2 hrs 2 mins + 37 hrs 15 mins + 1 hr 56 mins
  • June - 5 hrs 30 mins + 75 hrs 30 mins + 2 hrs 54 mins +40 mins + 4 hrs 38 mins + 24 hrs 36 mins + 10 hrs 27 mins + 2 hrs 3 mins
  • The calculations and mean from the above figures can be accessed in the attached spreadsheet.