Research Outline

Durham NH Single Family Home Sale Prices


Provide information on the median price of a single family home in Durham, NH.
  • Specifically provide the median prices for 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Early Findings

Data Availability

The initial round of research indicates that data availability surrounding the properties sold in Durham, NH and whether they are single family homes is adequate. Given the scoping options below, it will be possible to calculate the median prices of single family homes in Durham, NH from 2018 to 2020.

Durham NH Single Family Home Sale Prices: 2018


  • We started our research by determining which of the properties sold in Durham, NH in 2018 were single family homes. We used the specified criteria of having between 2 and 6 bedrooms; and excluded multifamily or multi-unit homes, unimproved land and condos.
  • In order to identify the single family homes that were sold, we looked up the addresses provided in the public domain. We were able to find this information from sources such as Zillow, and Redfin.
  • Within the initial hour of research, we were only able to determine whether 20 of the properties sold in Durham in 2018 were single family homes. We have provided this information in the attached spreadsheet.
  • We recommend further research to determine whether additional properties sold in Durham in 2018, 2019 and 2020 were single family homes; as well as to calculate the median price of a single family home in the respective years. All this information will be provided in the attached spreadsheet.
  • After determining whether the properties sold were single family homes, we will then calculate the median prices for each year using the median function in Google Sheets.
  • Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below. Please select one or more check boxes if additional research is desired.