Research Outline

Podcasting Trends


Determine the key emerging trends expected for medical podcasts such as predicted disrupters, consumer behaviors or any other trends which may impact the space in the next 3-5 years.

Early Findings

Podcasting Trends

Increasing Podcast Platform Competition

  • There will be an influx of podcast platform competitors.
  • For the past years, Spotify and Apple are the ones dominating the podcast space.
  • However, an increasing number of rival platforms such as, iHeart, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and others are seen to be increasing their presence by releasing more audio content and creating innovations to capture more listeners.

Data-Driven User Experience (UX)

  • More podcast players will focus on data-driven marketing as data is now being considered as key to understanding and reaching more listeners.
  • Podcast producers and content creators need to find more ways to release podcasts that can keep their listeners hooked by performing more data analysis on their intended audience.

More Support for Health Podcasts

  • As people demand for more healthcare information, a growing number of sponsors such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) are providing funding to medical-related podcasts.
  • This comes as highly engaged podcast listeners opt for broader content and national news over shorter content and local news.

Summary of Findings:

Our one hour of research provided some of the podcast trends that apply to all types of podcasts as specific medical podcast trends are extremely limited.