Research Outline

Messaging Services for Corporates


To determine the market size of corporate collaboration software, the total number of corporate messenger/collaboration services available globally, the key players, recent investments in the space as well as current business models prevalent in the industry.

Early Findings

Market Size

  • Collaboration software, which are tools used by businesses to communicate both internally and externally, is expected to generate about $12 billion in 2020.


Slack Technologies

  • Slack, a key player in the collaboration software space, expects to generate revenue totaling $621 million for FY 2020. Slack Technologies recently reported that its userbase had surpassed 12 million daily active users. The service is mostly preferred by startup companies.

Microsoft Teams

  • Unlike Slack, Microsoft Teams does operate as an independent entity. Therefore, its revenue is usually embedded in Microsoft's overall revenue. However, Microsoft Teams currently commands the largest market share in terms of users. The service recently reported that its userbase had surpassed 75 million daily active users. Enterprise-sized firms typically prefer to use MS Teams as their core communicating tool.


  • Facebook's office collaboration offering, Workplace, was introduced in 2015. Similar to Microsoft Teams, Workplace does not operate as an independent entity. Therefore, its total revenue is not publicly available. However, the service recently announced that it had reached 5 million paying users.
  • The service charges $4 for its least paid offering per user per month, suggesting that the Workplace service generates about $240 million per annum (i.e., 5 million users * $4 * 12 months).

Summary of Findings

Our initial research suggests that the total number of corporate messenger/collaboration services available globally is unknown, as the industry is still evolving and growing. However, there are few notable leaders such as Slack, Workspace, and MS Teams.