Research Outline

U.S. Millennial Trip Planning


To understand how U.S. millennials plan unique vacation trips. (i.e. trips for more than 9 days or special occasions). Particularly, to understand where their inspiration for their trips come from (e.g. social media, friends, travel agencies; by %) and how they plan and ask questions about their vacation (by %) or what tools or websites they use when planning.

Early Findings

  • Millennials prefer online assistance and are moving away from more traditional holiday planning methods, such as print publications and travel agencies.
  • Online user-generated content (UGC) was the most common travel planning method used by U.S. millennials, followed by social media.
  • Friends and family, search engines, and travel review sites were among the main sources of information sources that millennials used in 2018.
  • Both younger and older Millennials typically use Google when looking for travel information.
  • In 2018, the top travel motivators for U.S. millennial travelers were to explore off-the-beaten path areas and to experience new destinations.
  • The 2018 Resonance Consultancy survey also found that 85% of U.S. millennials said that they prioritized "venturing out of their comfort zones and learning new things, followed by dining (91%), fun attractions (90%) and sightseeing (88%)."
  • Millennials are also interested in participating in a once-in-a-lifetime activity (36%) and volunteering (31%) when it comes to travel experiences.
  • "64% of millennials also prefer booking on travel websites, while 47% prefer booking through a specific hotel, resort or airline website, and 24% book through travel agents."

Sources of Travel Inspiration (U.S.)

  • Friends and/or family 64%
  • Travel-related TV shows, documentaries, and/or movies 33%
  • Travel related social media accounts (other than influencers) 26%
  • Celebrities and/or social media influencers 16%
  • Travel-related magazines 13%
  • None of the above 9%
  • Other 3%

Top Trip Planning Websites (U.S.)

  • Google 52%
  • TripAdvisor 43%
  • Expedia 39%

Devices Used to Plan Trips (U.S.)

  • Smartphone only 20%
  • Mostly smartphone 33%
  • Laptop/desktop computer only 17%
  • Mostly laptop/desktop computer 28%
  • Never used the internet to research or plan travel 1%

Main Sources for Travel Recommendations (U.S.)

  • Friends and/or family 70%
  • Online reviews 54%
  • Online forums/blogs 34%
  • Friends or followers on social media 26%
  • Celebrity/Influencer endorsements 12%
  • Print or online magazines/newspapers 11%


  • For the initial hour, we were able to identify some insights on how U.S. millennials plan vacation trips, in general, as well as insights on where they get their travel inspiration and typical tools or websites they use. However, we were unable to narrow down information specific to millennials who plan unique trips (i.e. trips for more than 9 days or special occasions).
  • We mainly found that, in terms of trip duration, only 39% of US millennial travelers took an international leisure trip that lasted 7 or more nights in 2019. We also found that 68% of U.S. millennials traveled domestically in 2019. In 2018, the typical trip duration for millennials was 6.2 days. Other insights or statistics on US millennials who plan trips for special occasions (such as Honeymoons, Anniversaries, Graduation, etc.) did not appear immediately available.
  • We also found some insights on where they get travel recommendations. In terms of communication, we also found that 77% of millennial travelers use a mobile phone or computer daily while traveling.
  • In the course of our research, we came across additional insights on U.S. millennial travel behavior/habits, which might also be of interest.
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