Research Outline

Mobile Learning Industry


To find what the construction, hospitality, retail, and agriculture industries are looking for in a mobile learning app.

Early Findings


  • In the construction industry, mobile learning could be applied in making sure that builders and installers have the right knowledge in the field of sustainability, even they have not been trained in it.
  • Mobile learning would represent a way to deliver a variety of e-learning tutorials and courses to construction workers.
  • What is required in this case is an API that runs in the background to avoid having to log on continuously, and a portfolio of ultra-short or bite-sized action-oriented e-learning courses.




  • In agriculture, mobile learning can be used to provide instructions on the technology of rice and vegetable production that is needed by farmers.
  • Farmers need to be able to have access to the latest available efficient technologies available to fight against pests and disease and to optimize production.
  • They can learn about them and how to use these technologies by using mobile learning.
  • What is required is the possibility to study a variety of courses in the agrigultural field, join webinars, upload videos and pass assignments.

In addition to this public search, we scanned our proprietary research database of over 1 million sources and were unable to find any specific research reports that address your goals.