Research Outline

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkits


To identify the monitoring and evaluation toolkits that currently exist for specific global development sectors such as the agriculture and food security sector, water and sanitation, education, global health, human rights, gender equality or women's empowerment, employment or economic sector, and the environmental sector. Those who are charging fees to access the sector-specific toolkits, as well as the models that they use will also be included.

Early Findings

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Toolkits

  • This is an M&E toolkit by the Australian Aid regarding pacific women shaping the pacific development support unit.
  • Attached here is a toolkit produced by the World Health Organization and Unicef for monitoring and evaluating household water treatment and safe storage programs.
  • Attached here is a toolkit produced by Unite for Children and Unicef for monitoring and evaluating advocacies.
  • Attached here is an education M&E toolkit produced by the USAID.
  • This is a toolkit for monitoring and evaluating HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and health and community systems. This is produced by the World Health Organization, The World Bank, Unicef, UN AIDS, and USAID among others.

Summary of Findings

  • There are a number of M&E toolkits that are available for different global sectors. We have found publicly available M&E toolkits that are free of charge. However, we have not found any information on paid M&E toolkits or on any of the persona who are charging fees for these toolkits.