Research Outline

How to Treat Trichothecenes in Animals


To find out the recommended treatments for cats, small animals or domestic animals when inhaling mycotoxins and binders.

Early Findings

  • Tricothecenes are a group of mycotoxins which can lead to apoptosis or oxidative stress.
  • As such, antioxidant agents can be used against tricothecenes. Some studies have shown effects with vitamins E and C in protecting against acute toxicosis.
  • Quercetin also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In rabbits, quercetin was shown to diminish the apoptosis caused by T-2 toxin.
  • Selenium has been shown to prevent erythocyte membrane damage caused by T-2 toxin.
  • Other antioxidants mentioned in this study are glucomannan, amino acids, nucleotides, antimicrobial peptides, plant extracts, bacteria, polyunsaturated fatty acids and oligosaccharides.
  • There are also decontamination methods available for mycotoxin poisoning. "These approaches include bacterial and yeast biotransformation and degradation, as well as mycotoxin-binding agents."
  • According to another source, "steroidal antishock and anti-inflammatory agents, such as methylprednisolone, prednisolone, and dexamethasone, have been used successfully in experimental trials".
  • If it was suspected that the mycotoxins were consumed via feed, then there has been some success with reducing the bioavailability of mycotoxins by adding mycotoxin detoxifying agents into the feed (mycotoxin binders or mycotoxin biotransforming agents). This study also mentions selenium and vitamin E.