Research Outline

NAICS codes Research


To find out which competitors offer HRMS solutions that accomodate complex shift schedules in selected sub-industries, and their market share if available. In addition, to find the proportion of companies in these sub-industries that have their own solutions, no solutions, or an off the shelf solution. Finally, to figure out the available market share for HRMS.

Early Findings

NAICS codes

Companies Offering Shift Scheduling Solutions (scheduling and Time& Attendance) in Construction Sector

Companies Offering Shift Scheduling Solutions (scheduling and Time& Attendance) in Manufacturing Sector

Companies Offering Shift Scheduling Solutions (scheduling and Time& Attendance) in Transportation and Warehousing Sector

Market Leaders All Industries

  • In 2018, the top 10 HCM software vendors in the Time and Attendance application market segment accounted for nearly 52.1% of the global Time and Attendance applications market.
  • This market grew by 5.5% to approach to reach nearly $1.7 billion in license, maintenance and subscription revenues.
  • The top 10 companies included Kronos, ADP, SAP, Ultimate Software, and Workday.

Summary of Findings

After an hour of research, it was possible to locate companies that offer Time and Attendance Software for the construction, manufacturing, and transportation industry. Information about their market share might need to be estimated as it is not readily available. In addition, there was no specific information about the proportion of companies using this type of software for each specific industry. However, it would be possible to estimate the number using proxies.