Research Outline

National Statistical System


To compare the organizational structure of the National Statistical System in the UK, Canada, and Sweden for the purposes of designing an NSS.

Early Findings

Continued research identified the organizational structure of UK's National Statistical System.


  • The UK Statistical Authority consists of the Board of the UK Statistics Authority, the Office for Statistics Regulation, the Office for National Statistics, and the Government Statistical Service.
  • The Board of the UK Statistics Authority is responsible for oversight of the UK Statistical Authority
  • The statutory objective of the UK Statistical Authority is to promote and safeguard "the production and publication of official statistics that ‘serve the public good’." In this context, the public good includes:
  • Currently, the Board is made up of the following positions:
  • There are three Authority Board Sub-Committees, which are the Remuneration Committee, the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, and the Regulation Committee.
  • The Office for Statistics Regulation provides "independent regulation of all official statistics produced in the UK" and does the following:
  • The Office of Statistics Regulation team includes the following:
  • The Office for National Statistics is the UK's "largest independent producer of official statistics."
  • This office is responsible for collecting data and "publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels." The office also conducts the official census for England and Wales every 10 years.
  • The leadership team for the Office of National Statistics includes the following:
    • Jonathan Athow: Interim National Statistician and Permanent Secretary (Professor Sir Ian Diamond will become the full-time National Statistician beginning on October 22, 2019.
    • Deputy National Statistician and Director General for Economic Statistics (currently unfilled until Diamond becomes full-time National Statistician).
    • Grant Fitzner: Chief Economist and Director, Macroeconomic Statistics and Analysis
    • Darren Morgan: Director of Economic Statistics Development
    • Iain Bell: Deputy National Statistician and Director General for Population and Public Policy
    • Pete Benton: Director of Population and Public Policy Operations
    • Liz McKeown: Director of Public Policy Analysis (job share)
    • Emma Rourke: Director of Public Policy Analysis (job share)
    • Nicola Tyson-Payne: Interim Director of Transformation, Population and Public Policy
    • Frankie Kay: Interim Deputy National Statistician and Director General for Data Capability
    • Sarah Henry: Director of Methods, Data and Research
    • Simon Sandford-Taylor: Director of Digital Services and Technology
    • Tom Smith: Managing Director, Data Science Campus
    • Nick Bateson: Director of Finance, Planning and Performance
    • Philippa Bonay: Director of People and Business Services
    • Owen Brace: Director of Policy, Communications and Digital Publishing
  • The National Statistician has four Advisory Committees, which are Consumer Prices, Crime Statistics, Data Ethics, and Data Science Campus.
  • Under the National Statistician, there are three Committees, which are the Inter Administration Committee, the UK Census Committee, and the People Committee (which is led by the Heads of Profession Group).
  • The National Statistics Executive Group also operates under the National Statistician and has six groups and committees, which are the Business Group, the Design Authority, the Portfolio Committee (which leads the Statistical and Analytical Priorities Group), the Data Governance Committee, the International Committee, and the Statisitical Policy and Standards Committee.
  • Under the Statistical Policy and Standards Committee, there are four additional groups and committees, which are the Business Registers Group, the Methodology Advisory Committee, the Presentation and Dissemination Committee, and the Regional and Geography Committee.
  • The Government Statistical Service (GSS) "is a community for all civil servants working in the collection, production and communication of official statistics."
  • The GSS' goal is to help people make better decisions through analysis, advice, and statistical evidence.