Research Outline

Fertility - Industry Landscape


Provide an analysis of the current fertility market, identifying the main players across different sectors of the industry to inform a capital raise pitch. An ideal response will include bullet points on the following:
  • Largest companies according to categories (e.g. Natalist in supplements/lifestyle or Kinbody in employers benefits and clinics)
  • Main players in the genetic testing area
  • Major companies in the fertility kits area
  • Main apps or wearables used in the fertility market
  • Identify if any company is using nutragenomics in the United States
  • Major communities established online in this context
  • Total Addressable Market and additional information about the market size
  • Demographics

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability regarding the fertility market in the United States is adequate.

Market Size

  • According to a February 2021 report, the global market size of the overall fertility market was valued at $33.1 billion in 2020.
  • This same report revealed that 35% of the market share corresponded to North America. This would mean that the region is responsible for approximately $11.8 billion of the market size.
  • While it is established that the United States has the largest share in this region, the specific market size is not provided.

Major Companies by Categories

  • The largest companies in the fertility clinics industry are IntegraMed America Inc., Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc., and Reproductive Medicine Associates according to IbisWorld.
  • According to a second market report, the major preimplantation genetic testing companies include Illumina, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Agilent Technologies Inc., and PerkinElmer Inc.

Apps and Wearables

Nutragenomics in the United States

  • A company offering nutragenomics testing in the context of fertility and reproductive health in the United States is Nutragenomix.

Online Communities

  • One of the major support groups online is a Facebook group called IVF Support Group and it has 52,100 members.


  • A study published in 2021 used information from the Centers for Disease Control Natality Public Use dataset to examine the demographics of assisted reproductive technology (ART) use in the United States.
  • It was revealed that 52% of women using ART were non-Hispanic White, 23.6% were Hispanic, 14.6% were non-Hispanic Black, 6.5% were non-Hispanic Asian, 2.2% were non-Hispanic mixed race, 0.8% were American Indian and Alaska native, and 0.2% were non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.


  • While the overall fertility market size for the region could be calculated, information specific to the market size in the United States was only available behind paywalls or according to different sectors of the market (e.g. testing, IVF. clinics). Additional information segmented by sector can be provided with additional hours of research.
  • Total addressable market was not readily available during this initial hour of research. We did not have time to perform a calculation to provide this number. This could be achieved with additional hours of research.
  • We used this initial hour of research to assess the availability of the information, while information is available regarding the major players of other areas of the fertility market (e.g. fertility kits, IVF), we did not have sufficient time to provide this data. Additional hours of research are required to do so.
  • While we were able to find information regarding the use of apps and wearables, the presence of large online communities for fertility support, as well as demographic statistics in the context of ART use, we did not have enough time to provide additional data. This could be achieved with further hours of research.
  • There is limited information regarding the use of nutrigenomics in the United States specific to the area of fertility. However, additional nutrigenomic companies offering their general services in the country could be provided with continued hours of research.
  • A United States focus was assumed. If a different geographic focus is preferred, please clearly communicate it to us in any reply.