Research Outline

Healthcare Market Research Industry


To determine the healthcare market research TAM and industry leaders, including what they focus on, how they find their subjects, who they sell to, how much they charge, whether they buy research from others and from whom.

Early Findings

While information on the overall market research industry is available, there was not much information on market research for healthcare. We focused our research around industry reports such as Consultant, Globenewswire, and Grandview Research but the closest thing we could find was the market size of the healthcare consultancy services industry.
  • According to Consultant, the size of the global market research industry was $76 billion in 2017.
  • The US occupied the biggest market share in the global industry, at 44%. This means that the US market size in 2017 was $$33.44 billion ($76 billion * 0.44).
  • Assuming that the industry continues to grow at the same rate (6%), the US market size in 2019 would have amounted to $37.6 billion.
  • According to Consultant, the biggest players in the industry include Nielsen, Kantar, Quintiles, Ipsos, GfK, IrI, Mckinsey, Westat, Intage, and Dunnhumby.
  • We also found that the global healthcare consultancy services market will reach $22.8 billion in 2026, growing at a CAGR of 9.8%.
  • Using a Reverse CAGR Calculator, we were able to estimate that the 2019 market size of the industry was $11.85 billion.
  • According to the report, North America occupies the biggest market share of the global market.
  • According to a Report by Brand Essence Research, the US healthcare consulting industry was worth $8.13 billion and will grow at a CAGR of 7.1%, reaching $13.64 billion in 2025.
  • Some of the biggest players in the US include Deloitte, McKinsey & Company, Accenture Consulting, Huron Consulting, PWC, Ernst & Young, The Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, KPMG, and Cognizant.