Research Outline

Education - Analytics and AI Apps


To identify the players in the education apps market by creating a competitive landscape including apps that use analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for tracking and prediction purposes to inform a pitch for Student Success investors.

Early Findings

  • There are numerous apps that use AI to facilitate education. Many of them allow tracking of the development and evolution of the students while others analyze massive amounts of data to predict which subjects should be the main focus of study.
  • Among these apps, one that stands out is Cognii. This platform has received numerous recognitions, and it allows for measurement and tracking of the performance of students.
  • In addition, the platform integrates different solutions meant for both students and educators. Additional information can be found on the attached spreadsheet.
  • Other apps that use AI for educational purposes include Quizlet, Thinkster, and Querium.

Summary of Findings

  • We have used this initial hour of research to assess the availability of the information, identifying four apps that provide educational resources integrating the use of AI and analytics.
  • We have included information for one of these platforms, Cognii. However, we did not have time to provide the same information for the remaining three identified apps. We could provide these additional details with further hours of research.