Research Outline

Remote Work


Provide data points and statistics on the current prevalence of remote work as well as projections for remote work post-COVID.

Early Findings

Prior to COVID-19

  • A study from Upwork found that prior to COVID-19, only 12.3% of workers were working remotely full-time.
  • According to the 2018 American Community Survey, in 2018, "3.6% of the U.S. employee workforce" worked from home at least half-time.
  • According to the 2016 Gallup State of the American Workplace, 43% of employees worked remotely with "some frequency."
  • Since 2005, the number of workers working remotely has increased by 140%.

During COVID-19

  • Remote work peaked in April 2020 when 47.7% of workers were working remotely full-time.
  • A Pew Research study conducted during COVID-19 found that 55% of workers that reported being able to do their job from home were doing so all the time, and 16% were doing so most of the time.

Beyond COVID-19

  • According to a Gartner survey, 80% of company leaders plan to continue to allow for employees to work remotely at least part-time even after the pandemic ends, and 47% of company leaders plan to allow employees to continue to work remotely full time.
  • Workers are also looking to transition to full-time remote work post-pandemic, with 65% of respondents to a recent poll by FlexJobs saying they wanted full-time remote work post-pandemic, and 31% reporting that they wanted to work remotely at least some time.
  • According to CNBC, in 2021, one in four Americans will be working remotely. By 2025, "36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels."
  • Global Workforce Analytics found that 56% of the US workforce hold a job that is at least partially compatible with remote work.
  • Global Workforce Analytics estimates that by the end of 2021, between 25-30% of the total US workforce will work remotely multiple days per week.