Research Outline

IOT in Healthcare


To understand how IOT is used in healthcare, including companies working to provide IOT in healthcare settings and new technologies related to IOT in healthcare.

Early Findings

  • Some examples of IOT uses in healthcare include WiFi or Bluetooth-enabled X-ray machines, wearable biosensors/fitness trackers and surgical robots.
  • One major use of IOT in healthcare is remote monitoring of patients by healthcare providers. The use of internet-connected devices such as pedometers, heart rate monitors, and glucose monitors, not only allow patients to track their own health, they give healthcare providers the opportunity to better track the health of their patients to provide higher quality care.
  • Monitoring devices are also being used by insurance companies in the underwriting and claims process.
  • A new IOT device for cancer patients called CYCORE completed clinical trials in 2018. The device includes a scale and blood pressure monitor with Bluetooth capabilities along with an app to track symptoms related to cancer treatment, all of which can be monitored by the patient's physician. Use of CYCORE was shown to reduce severity of symptoms in patients.
  • The KHARE platform is an IOT device currently undergoing clinical trials. This platform allows providers to observe real-time patient data and create and implement physical therapy programs for those patients, regardless of where they are located. The platform, developed by Microsoft and National Institute for Insurance Against Accidents at Work (INAIL), is expected to complete the clinical trial phase in early 2020.