Research Outline

African Women Research


To understand how to best target, digitally, African women who do NOT live in Africa. An ideal response would include:
  • Potentially how many African women that do not live in Africa, and of those, where they live.
  • How best to target social media adverts to these African women that live outside of Africa.
  • What is NOT needed is how to target women with Facebook ads. Instead, what is required is how to target African women living outside of Africa. This is sometimes called diaspora, which is a scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale. To find out if Facebook has an option for this or whether there is another term that should be used in place of diaspora.
  • Whether there is another term to describe African women abroad or something else they have in common that could be used to reach out to them.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability surrounding how to best target, digitally [social media adverts], African women who do NOT live in Africa is non-existent to low.
  • Data availability surrounding how many African women there are that do not live in Africa, and of those, where they live is non-existent. There appears to be no publicly available source that breaks this down by gender. However, data surrounding the number of Africans that do not live in Africa is adequate, and we have provided this information in the initial hour of research.
  • Data availability surrounding alternate terms to diaspora is adequate and has been provided in the early findings.
  • There is no publicly available source that provides data specifically on expats and/or immigrants from Africa living elsewhere and how to target them via Facebook or digitally via social media. However, there is data surrounding how to target expats/immigrants digitally regardless of who they are and where they are from and we have provided some information for this in the initial hour of research.
  • While we are disappointed that some of the research questions cannot be answered in the public domain, we are pivoting the research to what is actually publicly available. Please see the summary section for more details surrounding how we believe we can get some useful insights for this research.

Alternative Definitions to Diaspora

  • A much more common term to describe someone that was born in a country, but lives elsewhere is an expat. "An expatriate, or ex-pat, is an individual living and/or working in a country other than his or her country of citizenship, often temporarily and for work reasons. An expatriate can also be an individual who has relinquished citizenship in their home country to become a citizen of another."
  • Another definition that can be used is immigrant. "Immigrants are usually defined as people who have come to a different country in order to live there permanently, whereas expats move abroad for a limited amount of time or have not yet decided upon the length of their stay."

Where Africans live other than Africa

How to Target Expats/Immigrants Digitally

  • This source details how to grow Sales by targeting expats on Facebook.
  • This source explains how to conduct demographic targeting.
  • Facebook does have a way to automatically show ads to people who are most likely to find those ads relevant. However, the target audience must be defined first.


  • As discussed in our data availability statement, information surrounding how to best target, digitally [social media adverts], African women who do NOT live in Africa is non-existent to low. We are not suggesting further research for this as it will not return any viable data.
  • As well, data surrounding how many African women that do not live in Africa, and of those, where they live is non-existent. We did not find any publicly available source that breaks this down by gender. We are not suggesting further research for this as it will not return any viable data. What we did provide in the early findings is GENERAL data regardless of gender, which was what publicly available. The most recent source we could find was from 2018.
  • Our initial hour of research provided data surrounding alternative terms to diaspora. We determined that "expats" and "immigrants" were two viable alternative terms that could be used. We were also able to provide some data surrounding where Africans, regardless of gender, live other than Africa.
  • We believe that understanding the demographics of those Africans that have chosen to live in the United States might provide insights into how to reach them based on where they choose to live, their age, education, and employment. We have scoped for this if pursuit of this research path is desired,
  • As a reminder, Wonder only uses publicly available sources to answer all research questions. We do not do primary research, and we do not have access to paid databases or paywalled reports, but we can cite them in research for reference only [in case purchase is desired]. If that is of interest, that would clearly have to be communicated to us in any reply. However, no indication of paid resources to add value to this research was seen in the discovery phase.
  • It is of note that while the initial hour of research does not allow us to embed graphics and other visuals, we can certainly do that for any subsequent research projects that are selected. This will enable us to provide visual examples/graphs/charts to add color and depth to the research.
  • If further research is desired, please select the option provided in the proposed scoping section below.