Research Outline

Smoke, Vape, and Cannabidiol Product Shops - Dallas-Fort Worth


To compile a list of all smoke, vape, and cannabidiol (CBD) product shops in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Provide three separate lists with quantitative data to support the overall count. In addition, provide insights related to the increase or growth of these types of stores. Research will be used to conduct a territory analysis for the business-to-business (B2B) distribution of a hemp/CBD product line. Target audience would be CBD shops, tobacco shops, vape shops, health food stores, and herbal stores.

Early Findings

During this initial hour of research, we were able to find information about the total number of CBD product shops in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We also began building a list of smoke shops and vape shops in the region. Our findings are organized in an attached spreadsheet with individual tabs for smoke shops, vape shops, and CBD product shops. For the purposes of this research, we defined the Dallas-Fort Worth area as the cities and towns listed here.

Summary of Findings

  • We spent this hour searching for quantitative data highlighting the total number of smoke shops, vape shops, and CBD product shops in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We were unable to find a specific number for vape shops and smoke shops, though our findings indicate that there are many such businesses in the region.
  • We were able to find information about the total number of CBD product shops in the region since the sale of cannabidiol is so new and heavily regulated. One resource lists 27 total CBD product shops in the Fort Worth area and 31 in the Dallas area.
  • We recommend building a list in the attached spreadsheet to find as many stores as possible in the Dallas-Fort Worth region.
  • Please note that some stores are considered smoke shops, vape shops, and CBD product shops, which may result in overlap between lists.