Research Outline

Personas for Security and Antivirus Software.


To determine the information required to develop a buyer persona for online security and antivirus software. The information will include any or all of the following: buyer personality (Bio, daily online activity), loyalties/trusted brands, decision making, financial position, drivers, triggers, pain points, motivations, working environment, behavior, and buyer's journey. The personas to be developed include:
  • Group 1: Age 25-34; Men + women; 80% Income less than $100k; 62% with no children at home; Appreciate diverse imagery; 57% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in tangible product benefits that solve a specific problem or pain point (ex. identity protection)
  • Group 2: Age 35 – 44; More men than women; 41% Income greater than $100k; 62% with children at home; 52% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in products that offer a comprehensive and confident solution for the whole family
  • Group 3: Age 45+; More women than men; 41% income greater than $100k; 79% with no children at home; 29% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in being educated to make better product decisions (appreciate expertise)

Early Findings

Data Availability

Our initial round of research found adequate data in publicly available, albeit diffuse, sources.

Early Findings

Usage of Security Software

  • The older someone is, the more likely they are to use antivirus software; those over the age of 60 are the most likely to use antivirus software at 85 percent.
  • Eighty-three percent of people between the ages of 30 and 44 use security software.
  • Seventy-seven percent of 20 to 40-year-olds worry about a company using their personal data.
  • Fifty-two percent of users pay for their software, while 33% use free solutions.
  • The primary reasons for using software include general security (90%), general data privacy (62%) and increased security for online shopping (45%).
  • Eight out of 10 American household heads that use antivirus software rate it both effective and useful.


  • 30% of people in the 25-34 age range are loyal to brands, not products.
  • The brands with the most consumer awareness are McAfee at 91 percent and Norton at 90 percent recognition.

Value-driven decisions

  • Nineteen percent of "non-parent millennials (20 - 40) say they always research a brands’ views on topics that are important to them."
  • Adults born after 1980 "form the most ethnically and racially diverse adult group in US history, with millennials making up almost a quarter of the American population."
  • The millennials (ages 24-40), sometimes called the “me generation”— grew up in an era of general economic prosperity and a society focused on the self. Its members are more idealistic, more confrontational, and less willing to accept diverse points of view.

Financial Position

Online activity


  • Within the first hour, we have been able to provide insight into the types of data and the myriad sources available to create the three identified personas. The research has not always matched the demographics of the requested persona, but when there is an overlap in ages we have identified that in our statements.
  • For a deeper dive into the personas identified, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.
  • For all our research, we would focus on the United States. If a North American or global focus is preferred, please indicate in your response.