Research Outline

Sales Enablement Content Market Research


To have market research on the sales enablement content market, which is defined as sales teams spending money on content to power their content. An ideal response would include:
  • The current total addressable market size [TAM] as well as past and predicted future growth.
  • A list of key competitors which should include Showpad, Highspot, and Seismic, but more should be found.
  • For those key competitors to understand the actual "content" portion, as, an example, content is only part of Seismic's offering.
  • Any data surrounding recent funding volumes.
  • Any data surrounding recent unicorns.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability surrounding the sales enablement content market is adequate, with the caveat that TAM is not available, just the market size and growth [CAGR], and all market sizing reports are paywalled. Data availability surrounding key competitors, funding volumes, and the possibility of recent unicorns is adequate.

Market Size and Growth

Key Competitors

  • According to Market and Markets, the "major" competitors in this arena are: From the United States: Bigtincan, Upland Software, Highspot, Seismic, Brainshark, ClearSlide, ClientPoint, Accent Technologies, Quark Software, Mediafly, Rallyware, and MindTickle. From Belgium: Showpad. From Switzerland: Pitcher.
  • MarketGlass lists most of the same key competitors.
  • As Showpad, Highspot, and Seismic were provided to us as example competitors and those three companies are listed in both reports, we feel confident that all the named competitors are true ones. We took the time during the initial hour of research to scan each competitors' website, and we did eliminate a few from the lists provided by Market and Markets and MarketGlass, based on mergers and the competitor not being relevant. We were left with a list of fourteen, which are true competitors to the three named in the chat transcript [Showpad, Highspot, and Seismic].


  • Highspot is now one of the "most richly valued startups in Seattle, and is worth more than double its valuation when the company raised funds about 14 months ago", according to this Bloomberg source. The company wouldn’t disclose precise sales metrics, but annualized recurring revenue has risen 900% in the past three years, according to Highspot Chief Executive Officer Robert Wahbe. " Inc. has backed Seattle startup Highspot, a maker of software for training and managing sales employees and content, raised $200 million, valuing the company at $2.3 billion."


  • Our initial hour of research focused on ensuring that the research question could be answered using publicly available sources and then providing salient and relevant data surrounding the market size and projected growth. For this aspect we are not suggesting further research as everything is behind paywalls, and we provided estimates from four different market reports.
  • We were also able to compile a list of 14 competitors which we vetted in the initial hour of research. They are a mixture of dedicated sales enablement content competitors and non-dedicated [like Seismic].
  • We also found one unicorn, which happens to be one of the competitors: Highspot. We did not find any other recent unicorns, so for this part of the research, we are going to suggest pivoting to finding recent startups [2015 onwards].
  • Based on the data availability, we anticipate being able fully answer the rest of the research questions and we have scoped for that below.
  • We were not provided a geographic focus for this project, so we assumed a broad approach and looked globally. If a more targeted approach is desired, for example, the United States, this would have to be clearly communicated to us in any reply within each appropriate scoping box.
  • As a reminder, Wonder only uses publicly available sources to answer all research questions. We do not do primary research, and we do not have access to paid databases or paywalled reports, but we can cite them in research for reference only [in case purchase is desired]. If that is of interest, that would clearly have to be communicated to us in any reply.
  • It is of note that while the initial hour of research does not allow us to embed graphics and other visuals, we can certainly do that for any subsequent research projects that are selected. This will enable us to provide visual examples/graphs/charts to add color and depth to the research.
  • Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.