Research Outline

Impact Investing Technology Market


To inform a pitch deck by obtaining the following data points within a spreadsheet related to the market for software/technology that helps investors identify, track and report on impact investments:
  • Market size, overall and by segment.
  • Key competitors and their annual revenue.

Early Findings

The first hour of research indicates that data on the market in question is somewhat limited in the public domain. Notably, the market for technology that helps investors identify, track and report on impact investments is commonly referred to as the "Investor ESG Software" industry. As such, an initial set of relevant findings has been provided below, followed by a summary of the first hour of research and a proposed research strategy to gather further relevant insights.

Market Size

  • Within the period of an hour, the research team canvassed a wide variety of market research reports and determined that the market size for the Investor Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Software industry is not readily available in the public domain (e.g., Transparency Market Research, Algos, Markets And Research, Market Research Reports, Inside Market Reports, Wall Street Call).
  • Notably, analysts publicly report on the size of the Corporate Social Responsibility Software market ($761.9 million as of 2019), however, this industry caters to companies that are implementing CSR/ESG programs, rather than the investors who are looking to manage associated investments.
  • Considering these early findings, it is highly unlikely that a detailed, quantitative market size breakdown can be found for this industry in the public domain. However, it is highly likely that the research team can collect relevant insights related to the scale and segmentation of this industry by dedicating additional research time to a broader canvassing effort.

Key Competitors

Summary of First Hour of Research

  • The research team leveraged the first hour of research to confirm the availability of information about the market for impact investing software, as well as to provide a synthesis of initial findings.
  • Given that a geographic focus was not specified for this project, the research team presented research with a global scope. If a different geographic focus is desired for future research (e.g., United States), this could be accommodated in response to a follow-up comment.
  • Overall, initial research indicates that while publicly available information on this subject is somewhat limited, sufficient information exists in the public domain to satisfy the stated goals of this research; as such, we recommend proceeding with one or more of the following next steps.