Research Outline

Video Platforms' Business Overview


Understand the video business across the major platforms. The information will be used to pitch an idea that can help the LinkedIn platform in improving their video offerings.

Early Findings

Video Platforms' Business Overview

  • Around 83% of companies are confident that video marketing can give them a satisfactory ROI.
  • Based on a study, having a video on product landing pages can propel the conversion rate by 80%.
  • Around 74% of users who viewed a video on product features purchased the item after watching.
  • YouTubers were also considered as the "most powerful social figures" to market brands.
  • Brands that have videos tend to be 53% more likely to appear on top of Google searches.
  • Around 68% of consumers also tend to watch videos when trying to know more about product concerns.
  • YouTube videos typically attract more than five billion views daily.
  • Eighty-one percent of companies are more inclined to turn to Facebook for their video campaigns.
  • Around 62% mentioned that they were more interested in a product after stumbling upon it on Facebook Story.
  • Snapchat users view 10 billion videos daily.
  • Video campaigns on the LinkedIn platform have "50% view rates".
  • Videos usually generate a 300% jump in traffic and can cultivate more leads.
  • Users usually stay on 2.6X more on websites if there are videos compared to those that don't have one.
  • Videos are seen to account for 82% of internet traffic by 2021.