Research Outline

Musician Case Study: Jay Sean and DJ Khaled


Conduct an analysis of pop musicians Jay Sean and DJ Khaled, including their artistic background, level of success, label(s), marketing strategy, and how they represent their respective cultures and label history to add to The Sultan's business plan.

Early Findings

Jay Sean

DJ Khaled

Summary of Early Findings in Relation to Goals

The first hour of research involved outlining the project to verify that the requested information is available. The research team scanned the provided document ("The Sultan Business Pitch") and then conducted high-level searches to affirm that similar information is indeed available for both Jay Sean and DJ Khaled. Sample data points were provided above. The research team also affirmed that data is available related to how both stars reflect their cultures of origin and those of the labels they represent.

Based on our first hour of research, we recommend the following next steps to help complete the Sultan's business plan: