Research Outline

Lipedema and Vascular/Vasculitis Disease


To provide meta-analysis, research, or peer medical reviews from the American Medical Association, The Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and any German publications that address these conditions: Lipedema and Vascular/Vasculitis disease, and the different forms of treatment for each. This information will be used in the abstract of articles written to support doctors in the treatment of these conditions.

Early Findings


  • There were 1,430 potential articles in the British Medical Journal relating to vasculitis and its treatment. A preliminary review of the list suggests there is a lot of very specific research into the different types of the disease, its pathologies, and specific pharmacologies and treatments.
  • There was less research into vasculitis in the broader sense, with the article below an indication of those available. This would likely fall outside of the scope of this project.
    • Vasculitis, Savage, C O S, Harper, L, Cockwell, P, Adu, D, and Howie, A J, BMJ 2000; 320: 1325
    • This is a clinical review of vasculitis, its clinical features, presentations, and treatment of the different types. The article is behind a paywall and the full text unable to be accessed.
  • A more detailed examination of the potential articles may be fruitful, but if the research sought was published in the BJM, it would normally appear within the first few pages of a search based on relevance, which does not appear to be the case here. This is based on a search using the limited features available in the public domain.
  • A search of the JAMA network of the American Medical Association revealed similar results.


  • In our first hour of research, we have struggled to locate articles of the nature indicated in the required medical publications. Given the number of reputable medical journals globally, it possible that a relevant article may have appeared in another medical journal. Expanding the scope of the search, and including other reputable medical publications may yield more favorable results.
  • One difficulty that will be encountered when searching these three specific publications is the articles are all behind paywalls. This means only the abstract is available, and the full article cannot be reviewed.