Research Outline

Venture Thesis


To build a google spreadsheet with a list, narrowed to 20-30 website links with relevant information pertaining to articles and blogs on 'how to build a venture thesis'.

Early Findings

  • An article on how to create and investment thesis suggests developing one's own thesis displays knowledge of a particular sector, one's investment perspective and way of thinking, and interest in venture investing.
  • An investment thesis is an analysis a potential buyer would conduct to assess whether an acquisition is worth a shot, using an established set of investment criteria.
  • The venture capitalist must provide his or her personal and professional view of the company's progress, how capital is being used, and their opinion on whether the company should be further supported or cut funding.
  • A google spreadsheet with releveant data is provided via this link to continue building the list of articles and blogs.
  • A template for creating a venture thesis can be found via this link.
  • This is a link to the 17 venture capital blogs.