Research Outline

Non Emergency Medical Transportation - New Jersey


To determine the current market size and projected growth rate for the non-emergency medical transportation market in New Jersey.

Early Findings

Market Size

  • According to the National Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) survey, which is the latest official report on the topic, the state of New Jersey spends about $140 million on NEMT expenses annually.
  • The NEMT industry in New Jersey completes an estimated 4.5 million trips per annum. Also, 20 percent of NEMT trips in the state utilize public transit.

Additional Findings

  • According to a study by the KFF, non-emergency medical transportation services in New Jersey are covered by Medicaid, require no copayment, and can be accessed with only prior authorization.
  • The total market size for NEMT-related spending in the US was estimated at $3 billion per annum, according to a study by the Transit Cooperative Research Program, a federally funded independent research entity.
  • The global market size for NEMT services was valued at $6.3 billion in 2018, and it is expected to reach $9.9 billion by 2025. The global NEMT market is expected to grow at 6.5 percent per annum between 2018 and 2025.

Summary of Research

In our initial hour of research, we were able to determine the size of the non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) market in New Jersey. We were also able to determine the projected growth rate for the NEMT industry globally, as the specific growth rate for the state of New Jersey is not publicly available.