Research Outline

Number of Offices/Office Supply Spend


To provide the number of businesses in the New York and United States that employ between 20-250 employees with the exception of retail companies, and the average money spent on office related supplies as well.

Early Findings

The number of U.S businesses with an employee range of 20-250 excluding retail companies is calculated as 689,777 businesses.

U.S Business Statistics

  • According to a publication by the NAICS Association, LLC, the total number of businesses in the United States with employee range between 20 and 250 are;
    • 20 – 49 employees: 469,521 businesses
    • 50 – 99 employees: 168,997 businesses
    • 100 – 249 employees: 93,463 businesses.
  • Therefore, the total number of businesses in the United States, with an employee range of 20 to 249 is calculated as 731,981.

Retail Industry

  • According to LinkedIn, there are about 43,000+ retail businesses in the United States.
  • A breakdown of retail businesses in the United States by employee range is given as;
    • 1-10 employees: 32,000+ businesses
    • 11-50 employees: 7,500+ businesses
    • 51-200 employees: 2,000+ businesses
    • 201-500 employees: 730 businesses
    • 501-1,000 employees: 336 businesses
    • 1,001-5,000 employees: 432 businesses
    • 5,001-10,000 employees: 127 businesses
    • 10,000+ employees: 272 businesses.


  • Based on the assumption that retail companies with above 200 employees should have at least 20 corporate staff and that retail companies with more than 5,000 employees have over 250 corporate staff; we will have to exclude retail businesses with 1-10, 11-50, 51-200, 5,001-10,000, and 10,000+ employees from the total number of U.S retail businesses.
  • Therefore, the sum of U.S retail businesses with 1-10, 11-50, 51-200, 5,001-10,000, and 10,000+ employees is calculated as 32,000 + 7,500 + 2,000 + 432 + 272 = 42,204 businesses.
  • Therefore, the number of U.S businesses with an employee range of 20 to 249, excluding retail businesses, is calculated as 731,981 - 42,204 = 689,777 businesses.

Research Strategy

We were unable to find a pre-compiled list of United States retail businesses with 20-250 corporate employees. As a substitute, we assumed that;
  • Retail companies with above 200 employees should have at least 20 corporate staff.
  • Secondly, retail companies with more than 5,000 employees have over 250 corporate staff.
Based on the above assumptions, we leverage the list of retail companies provided by LinkedIn to find U.S retail companies with 20-250 corporate staff. We have provided a screenshot of LinkedIn's information as it is only accessible through a premium LinkedIn account.