Research Outline

PIM/PXM Questions


To provide information about the increase/decrease number of people searching for "what is a PIM" within the past few years, the type of questions companies are searching for online to guide them to decide when looking to install a PIM system, and other questions being asked by companies online surrounding PIM/PXM. An ideal response will include:
  • The market size of PIM in volume and value
  • Trends in the PIM/PXM industry.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial hour of research shows that there is adequate data in the public domain about the type of questions companies are searching for online to guide them to decide when looking to install a PIM system and the increase/decrease in the number of searches for "what is a PIM".

Increase/Decrease in PIM/PXM Searches (United States)

  • According to Google Trends, over the past five (5) years, the number of people searching for product information management (PIM) and product experience management (PXM) has constantly varied over time.
  • Generally, the number of people searching for PIM was at all times greater than the number of people searching wanting to know about PXM.
  • Over a 5 years period, the average number of PIM searches was 28, while the number PXM searches were 7.
  • The search for PIM peaked between October 18-24, 2020, with about 100 searches, while the search for PXM peaked between February 19-25, 2017, with about 40 searches.
  • A pictorial representation of the search trend is provided herein.

Increase/Decrease in PIM/PXM Searches (Worldwide)

  • Over the past five (5) years, the number of people searching for product information management (PIM) and product experience management (PXM) globally also varied constantly.
  • Similar to that of the United States, the number of people searching for PIM was at all times greater than the number of people searching wanting to know about PXM.
  • Over a 5 years period, the average number of PIM searches was 37, while the number PXM searches were 8.
  • The search for PIM peaked between December 6-12, 2020, with about 100 searches, while the search for PXM peaked between January 22-28, 2017, with about 30 searches.
  • A pictorial representation of the search trend is provided herein.

Increase/Decrease in "What is a PIM/PXM" Searches

  • Within the past 5 years, the question "what is PIM" was asked an average of 21 times, while "what is PXM" was asked an average of 5 times.
  • Globally, the search for "what is PIM" peaked between May 3-9, 2020, while the search for "what is PXM" peaked between April 4-10, 2017.
  • The question about "what is PIM" was asked from seven (7) major countries: Philippines, South Africa, Canada, Pakistan , Malaysia, India, and the United States.

Questions Being Asked When Choosing a PIM System

  • In-depth research revealed that different companies ask different questions online when looking to install a PIM system. We found about three (3) different sources containing such questions. Information from each source is detailed below.

Western Computers

  • Western Computers opined that there are five (5) crucial questions that need to be answered before choosing a PIM system. the questions include:
    • Where do you use your product data?
    • Where do you receive product data from?
    • How complex is your product information?
    • What work processes must PIM support?
    • How close should the PIM system be integrated with ERP?
  • Salsify provides details of 6 questions to ask before buying a product information management solution to include:
    • Is your current system flexible?
    • Can the system connect and publish to all the retailers you want to reach, as well as your internal systems?
    • Can the system tell you what information and retailer criteria are missing?
    • Does your product information management platform help you optimize content?
    • Does the PIM system collect data and report back to you in an actionable way?
    • Is the platform flexible enough to be prepared for the future?
  • Osudio provides the detail of its five (5) questions to be asked to include:
    • I have my product data in ERP. How should I use this data in conjunction with a new PIM system?
    • I use a lot of information from other companies. What is the best way to get this rich data from partners and other data sources?
    • What kind of data quality tooling will I need? What does it need to do and check?
    • How do I migrate my current product data to the new system?
    • How do I give access to my suppliers?


  • We focused our initial research hour on providing insights into the type of questions companies are searching for online to guide them to decide when looking to install a PIM system and the increase/decrease in the number of searches for "what is a PIM".
  • Google Trends assisted our findings of the number of searches for "what is PIM and PXM," while we further identified other sources with examples of questions being asked by companies when looking to install a PIM system.
  • We recommend continued research to provide insights into the number of searches for "what is PIM and PXM," by other search engines and other information services sources.