Research Outline

Parental Behavior Trends


To provide case studies of parental behaviors that are new to the ecosystem.

Early Findings

Helicopter Parenting

  • Helicopter parenting is a universally accepted phenomena and is the name given to intensive parenting.
  • Intensive parenting is now being backed by increasing number of parents, as suggested by new research.
  • People from all walks of life, including college and non-college graduates, high- and low-income parents, have been found to be supporting this parenting style.
  • Parents are tired of the neglect and its after effects on the lives of their children and subsequently favoring intensive parenting.
  • Research also found that both parents (mothers and fathers) believe that parenting responsibility (specifically in the case of helicopter parenting) has to be shared among them and the responsibility doesn't befall a single parent.

Lawnmower Parenting

  • Lawnmower parenting came into existence after a blog post written by a teacher in August 2018.
  • Reportedly, the parenting style got viral fairly quickly and everyone including parents, educators, and healthcare professionals resonated with the word 'lawnmower'.
  • This style of parenting is the same as the name suggests, i.e. parents 'mow down' any obstacles that appear in their children's way in order to prevent their kids from having to face adversity.

Parenting Based on Consequence Rather Than Punishment

  • Author Katherine Reynolds Lewis published a book in April 2018 named "The Good News About Bad Behavior: Why Kids Are Less Disciplined Than Ever-And What to Do About It."
  • In the book, Lewis has described that unlike old times, "the boss is no longer in charge of the dad, the dad is no longer in charge of the mom, and the mom is no longer in charge of the kids."
  • This parenting style (which is a suggested parenting style rather than one that is prevalent in society - though it can be considered as one that might be an upcoming one) is based on the fact that children living in today's society are taught to focus more on individual achievement as opposed to "their contributions to family, neighborhoods and friends."
  • This behavior of today's children is powered by the culture of democracy and equality.