Research Outline

Water Parks & Parents


To gain insight into how parents feel about water parks, including what they like and dislike about water parks, what gets them to take their kids to a water park, as well as what factors would make them avoid one

Early Findings

It is noted that water parks tend to appeal to families and parents as a water activity that is relatively safe, compared to oceans, rivers, or lakes.

It is also noted that while water parks are liked because of all the various activity options, for parents with children of varying ages, water parks can be challenging to navigate as a family.

Parents want at least some attractions at water parks that are appropriate and engaging to children of all ages, rather than individual activities aimed at specific age ranges.

It’s also noted that parents with young children might want some of the standard water park features to be adapted to be more safe for small children, such as limiting depth on lazy rivers, or providing smaller inner tubes for young children.

The amount of preparation required for a trip to the water park may be a challenge for some parents, who need to remember to pack extra supplies.

Some parks are adapting to this by offering sunscreen stations, and selling supplies that parents may forget at reasonable prices, so parents can pack less.
A key factor parents tend to consider when deciding to go to a water park is the price of tickets, as often parents are searching for the best deals to entertain their family.
Parents tend to value activities that feature outdoor play that is safe, with 95% of parents noting that playground surfacing and equipment is important to them.

89% of parents also tend to feel that outdoor play is important for their children in the summer.