Research Outline

Company Overview - Peloton


To provide details on the history, business model, sales, operating profit, segment sales, segment operating profit, competitors, competitive advantage, and reasons for the growth of Peloton for a potential investment.

Early Findings


  • Peloton was founded in 2012 in Silicon Alley with an aim to develop a new concept in fitness that fits everyone's schedule and makes at-home workouts an effective and engaging experience.
  • The company was incorporated in Wilmington, Delaware in 2015 and is headquartered in New York.
  • An historical price lookup of the company's stock can be found here.
  • An overview of the investors section on the company website shows no annual or quarterly filings. However, we were able to provide the latest financials of the company from an official investors' report.


FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
  • These revenue figures represent a 99% and a 110.3% year-over-year growth.

NET LOSSES & EBITDA (2017-2019)



  • The company has observed a fast growth in its subscriber base. The subscriber base of Peloton's Connected Fitness Products increased by 108% in FY 2019.
  • According to the official website of Peloton, the company has a 12-month retention rate of 95% as of June 30, 2019.
  • Peloton had 107,708 Connected Fitness subscribers in FY 2017, 245,667 Connected Fitness subscribers in FY 2018, and 511,202 Connected Fitness subscribers in FY 2019.
  • The company's average net monthly Connected Fitness churn was 0.70% in FY2017, 0.64% in FY2018, and 0.65% in FY2019.