Research Outline

Personal Medical Insurance Bahamas


The goal is to find the user journey of a person in the Bahamas purchasing personal medical insurance. Look to provide how they do research, compare competitors, and the buyer's path to purchase (ie. online vs in-person on-site).

Early Findings

  • Some people find that they prefer to goto Florida for specialist care rather than remain in the Bahamas.
  • The US Embassy in Nassau says that "Medical facilities may accept U.S. health insurance, but will require a deposit up front for non-emergency care. A patient will most likely have to pay the full charge to the hospital, and get reimbursed by the insurance company after returning to the United States."
  • One person stated: "I have found that the health insurance costs is more related to your health history then where you choose to live. Exclusions in new policies are common if you have a history of certain health problems. I have expat insurance as well as international health care insurance and have found them to be adequate in paying for both emergency situations as well as routine costs. The one problem has always been that I must pay for many services on my own first and then have it reimbursed by the health care provider, this can be hard on the cash flow if you don't have the money put aside for an emergency situation."
  • The majority of information available touches generically on healthcare and use of insurance in the Bahamas.
  • Looking for user experiences and buying patterns yielded similar information to the above.

Insurers In the Bahamas