Research Outline

Consumer Personas


Provide consume personas for the following audiences:
  • Group 1: Age 25-34; Men + women; 80% Income less than $100k; 62% with no children at home; Appreciate diverse imagery; 57% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in tangible product benefits that solve a specific problem or pain point (ex. identity protection)
  • Group 2: Age 35 – 44; More men than women; 41% Income greater than $100k; 62% with children at home; 52% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in products that offer a comprehensive and confident solution for the whole family
  • Group 3: Age 45+; More women than men; 41% income greater than $100k; 79% with no children at home; 29% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in being educated to make better product decisions (appreciate expertise)
For each group provide the following:
  • habits
  • likes/dislikes
  • popular brands
  • who they trust
  • where they shop
  • buyer journey for consumer tech

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • Data availability is adequate when focusing on generational research instead of specific age groups. Buyer journeys for consumer tech is also adequate if the focus is not on age groups.
To begin the research, we first narrowed down the profiles by generation to get a general idea of where research would focus. Then, the research switched to look at the buying journey for tech.

Group 1

  • Demographics: Age 25-34; Men + women; 80% Income less than $100k; 62% with no children at home; Appreciate diverse imagery; 57% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in tangible product benefits that solve a specific problem or pain point (ex. identity protection) (from client chat).
  • This demographic falls in the Millennial generation. Consumer personas will focus on females and males making less than $100,000 yearly, comfortable with tech, and no children.

Group 2

  • Demographics: Age 35 – 44; More men than women; 41% Income greater than $100k; 62% with children at home; 52% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in products that offer a comprehensive and confident solution for the whole family. (from client chat).
  • This demographic falls in between an older Millennial, and a younger Gen X generation. Consumer personas will focus on males, income greater than $100,000, children at home, comfortable with tech, with a mix of older Millennial and Generation X information.

Group 3

  • Demographics: Group 3: Age 45+; More women than men; 41% income greater than $100k; 79% with no children at home; 29% Comfortable with Tech; Interested in being educated to make better product decisions (appreciate expertise). (from client chat).
  • This demographic falls in the Gen X & Boomer generation. Consumer personas will focus on the female, income over $100,00, empty-nester, comfortable with tech.

Persona Analysis

  • It is very difficult to provide personas where they do not follow generational age groups because market research focuses on generations as a whole instead of specific generations. Therefore, for the research to be successful, the groups and personas will need to be adjusted to follow appropriate generations. This will ensure a comprehensive persona.
  • The following personas correlate with the three groups shared in the chat:
  • Group 1: (2 personas) 1. Millennial female making less than $100,000, no children, comfortable with tech. 2. Millennial male making less than $100,000, no children, comfortable with tech.
  • Group 2: Focus on Gen X since group 1 covers Millennials. Persona would be males, income greater than $100,000 with children, comfortable with tech.
  • Group 3: Focus on Boomers, since group 2 covers Gen X. Persona would be female, income greater than $100,000, empty-nester, comfortable with tech.

Buyer Journeys- Technology

  • Buyer journeys for technology focus on technology purchasers as a whole. This is likely due to the fact that the consumer, no matter the stage in life, has the same problem, they have a tech problem and need to solve it.
  • They all go through the same stages of awareness, consideration, and making a final decision, regardless of who they are.
  • It can even be broken down further into discovery, evaluate, purchase, use, advocate, and expand (imagine an infinity shape), with each stage providing unique chances to connect with the possible customer.
  • This is not to say that their could possibly be insights located that pertain to a specific generation, but preliminary research indicates that a single buyer journey will be the most successful research route.


  • This initial hour has been spent breaking down what the actual needed research will be so that a comprehensive understanding of the consumers can be obtained.
  • As stated, after analyzing the data, 4 distinct profiles have emerged and we recommend developing these profiles.
  • For the consumer journey, we recommend one journey, instead of multiple journeys to make sure there is not duplicate research.
  • Please note there were technical difficulties encountered with the editor during research, if there is ghost text under this bullet point, please disregard.