Research Outline

Pet Industry Regulations


Gain an insight into best practices and/or regulations surrounding the publication of pet-related advertising or information, specifically that is relevant to France

Early Findings

While there was no data specific to France, and little available on publishing regulations, we did find the following general best practices surrounding the publication of pet-related information, which would be relevant to publishing in France.
  • It is noted that the pet industry has grown increasingly crowded in recent years, which means messaging within publications needs to be exceptionally strong to stand out amongst competitors and be received by consumers.
  • Including consumer reviews or testimonials is also recommended for publication of pet-related information, as one source notes that pet parents tend to trust their peers, with "70% of online shoppers in the pets category read reviews in purchasing".
  • It's also noted that publication in industry magazines and blogs is especially effective for pet-related information, and samples of products can also be sent alongside publications, in order to solicit product reviews, especially if partnering with blogs or smaller publications.
  • One best practice for publishing or advertising pet related information is to include a unique value proposition that explains clearly how the company or service stands out from other pet businesses.
  • Any information published should attempt to target or address the millennial demographic, as millennials have overtaken baby boomers in terms of both pet ownership and spending power.
  • Photography should be utilized, as it an effective vehicle for emotional marketing. Given this, it is recommended that stock photos of pets be avoided, and rather content should include pet images that strike an emotional chord with pet owners or pet professionals.