Research Outline

Rubicon Capital Advisors: Overview


To provide a business overview of Rubicon Capital Advisors in order to pitch a marketing campaign for the company. Specifically, we would provide:
  • Most notable projects.
  • Target audience.
  • What makes them different/competitive advantage.
  • Top 10 competitors.
  • Any other relevant information on Rubicon Capital Advisors.

Early Findings

Data Availability

The initial round of research indicates that data availability is adequate on this topic. However, data is limited on the top competitors of Rubicon Capital Advisors.

Notable Projects

    Ferrovial and Cintra

Competitive Advantage

Target Audience

  • Rubicon states that its focus is on energy (renewables), utilities, and the infrastructural sector including, transport, social, environmental, and communications.
  • Additionally, the company opines that its clients represent elite "asset owners, developers, investors, and corporations worldwide."

Mission and Vision Statement

  • Rubicon's mission is to effectively yield solid results for its clients by "providing extensive expertise in sustainable financing for the 21st century."


  • According to Zoominfo, the company's revenue is estimated at below $5 million.


  • Within the initial hour of research, we were able to provide what makes Rubicon different, their target audience, revenue, notable projects, mission, and vision statement.
  • The initial research hour revealed that data availability is adequate on this topic. However, data availability is limited on the top competitors to Rubicon. Additional research is required to identify some competitors of the company.
  • Also, we recommend further research to provide other notable insights on Rubicon Capital Advisors. Details on our recommended research paths have been outlined in our proposals below.
  • There was no geographical scope provided, so we assumed a global focus since the company has a global presence.