Research Outline

Remote Company Playbooks


To identify playbooks used by (remote) companies for their all-hands presentations. Specifically, we will provide:
  • Questionnaires leveraged by companies to amass information typically presented at a company all-hands, town hall, or investor update
  • Useful FAQs to pre-seed a Q&A section for company all hands
  • Links to document templates that can be used for company all-hands, town hall, and investor updates
  • Software (with proven traction with clients) typically used for collecting information company wide to organize an all-hands for a remote company.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • Initial research indicates that the data availability regarding;
    • Useful FAQs to pre-seed a Q&A section for company all hands
    • Questionnaires leveraged by companies to amass information
  • is low in the public domain.
  • Hence, we have pivoted the research to look for other helpful information relevant to the project goals. This is reflected in our findings and in the scoping options below.
  • However, data availability regarding links to all-hand document templates and software typically used for collecting information is adequate in the public domain.

Links to Document Templates

Software For Collecting Company-Wide Information

Helpful Findings

  • Insightful questions to ask before, during, and after your all-hands meeting is provided herein.
  • A list of frequently used Q&A questions to provide some inspiration to audience in an all-hands virtual meeting is provided herein.


  • We focused the initial research hour on trying to find the required data points about the playbooks used by remote organizations to organize their all-hands presentations.
  • Initial research revealed that information regarding this topic is very low in the public domain.
  •  Information available in the public domain confirms that collecting questionnaires before an all-hands meeting and Q&A sessions are very vital parts of an all-hands virtual meeting. However, we were unable to find any source with a pre-compiled FAQs to pre-seed a Q&A section or examples of questionnaires used by companies to collect information.
  • Based on the low turnout of data on the above topic, we recommend diverting the focal point of our findings towards existing/available resources/information about remote all-hand meetings in the public domain.
  • Available data points/recommended research part include: Best practices for hosting a remote all-hands meetings and softwares for hosting an all-hands meeting or town hall.
  • Details of our recommended research parts are provided below.