Research Outline

Patient Advisory Services for Cancer Patients


To provde an analysis of services (web services, mobile applications, or consultation services) in the US that are available to cancer patients for counseling and advisory services relating to treatment options and living a normal life after recovery.

Early Findings

In this research, we found 3 services in the US that are available to cancer patients for counseling and advisory services relating to treatment options and living a normal life after recovery.

GRYT Health Cancer Community

  • This community provides inspiration and information on treatment options from other patients, survivors, medical professionals, researchers, and advocates.
  • Being able to communicate with others in the same condition provides patients with more information to help broaden their options.

Moffitt Cancer Center

  • This medical center is focused on providing a second opinion. Their online consultation services are available to international patients only while local patients only have access to physical consultations.

Cancer Champions

  • Cancer Champions provides patients and their families with guidance and information to help them through their recovery journey.
  • Their services include consultation, facilitation, and education; a combination focused on both the medical and non-medical needs of cancer patients.
  • They provide counseling to help ease the fears and uncertainties faced by cancer patients while collecting "personalized healthcare information" to evaluate treatment options and help make informed decisions.