Research Outline

Grocery Circulars: Direct Mail


To identify the top companies that mail local grocery circulars across the U.S. This research will help with advertising in circulars nationally.

Early Findings

Valassis: RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail

  • In its print marketing department, Valassis has the RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail offering that delivers direct mail to its subscribers and people who provide their addresses on the website.
  • Every week, RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail delivers grocery circulars to subscribers.
  • The mail stands out in the mail box as it consists of an outer wrap and important inserts inside, making it gain results.
  • Customers that use the direct mail package are able to save ads and motivate readers to buy from them.
  • The direct mail inserts inside the outer package can be targeted to specific neighborhoods around the main location within which the store is in. They can also be customized for the local audience.
  • To identify ideal consumers including their location, behaviors, and neighborhood, data can be purchased from the Valassis Consumer Graph.
  • RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail has local and national coverage, providing access to more than 117 million households in the U.S.
  • This is Valassis' website.
  • This is the RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail's website.

Summary of Early Findings

  • In the early findings, we have provided Valassis as an example of a company that mails grocery circulars throughout the U.S. through its RetailMeNot Everyday Direct Mail print marketing offering.