Research Outline

Potential Investors in Blockchain/Digital Asset LPs


To provide a list of block chain/digital asset LP's (investors) in Asia. This is not investors that invest in startups, but investors in block chain/digital asset funds. Ideally, they would be investors who have a track record of investment in US based venture/hedge funds, who invest in block chain and digital asset/crypto currency portfolio companies. The LPs are likely to be made up of high net worth, family/multi family offices, and fund of funds. This research will be used to help a US based block chain and digital asset fund raise capital. The investors name, contact information, LinkedIn, and current portfolio size should be included in a spreadsheet.

Early Findings

  • In our initial hour of research, we have set up a spreadsheet to record the potential investors. We have also begun to research and identify potential investors, and the contact information. The spreadsheet is attached.
  • Circle Fund has more than five years experience in the block chain industry. The company is looking to invest in US block chain and crypto currency. Although this is a Shanghai company, they have a presence in New York and San Francisco. Further checks are required to see if this company fits the criteria.
  • While there is a considerable amount of press coverage regarding Asian investors looking to invest in US block chain funds, there was considerably less information available to identify the investors, suggesting this is likely to be a time intensive task.